Author Archives
Tamara Wilhite

Another Interview with Author Mike Baron
I interviewed Mike Baron shortly before his comic book “Florida Man” came out. He is more famous for creating the “Nexus” science fiction comic book in the 1980s. He worked on “Star Wars – The New Republic” and “Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy” books.
Hidden Horror Stories of Stargate
The Stargate universe has a number of obvious horrors. It starts by revealing that the Egyptian gods were alien parasites that take over your body. They may extend its lifespan dramatically and take it to new worlds, but it is still a variation of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” But there are other horror stories lurking in the background…
An Interview with ‘Flintlock Fantasy’ Author Stanley Wheeler
Stanley Wheeler is the author of the Tomahawks and Dragon Fire series. This alternate history “flintlock fantasy” series is set in an American Revolutionary War where dragons have come back after a century. He’s also written a number of books in other genres, but more on that in the interview itself.
An Interview with Robert Arvanitis on the Economics of Lord of the Rings
I was in an online debate on artificial intelligence when Robert Arvanitis brought up something he’d written referencing Lord of the Rings. From the title “The Orcs that ran away”, I thought it was a short fantasy story. In reality, it was a financial paper on the economic impact of the production of the Lord of the Rings movies in New Zealand and how AI was used to solve it.
An Interview with Author Cheah Kit Sun
Cheah Kit Sun or “Benjamin” is Singapore’s first Hugo and Dragon Award-nominated author. His book No Gods, Only Daimons was nominated for the Dragon Awards in 2017. His short story “Flashpoint: Titan” in There Will Be War: Volume X was a 2016 Hugo Award nominee. And I had the opportunity to talk to him.
An Interview with Scott Bieser
One of Scott Bieser’s fans asked Liberty Island Magazine to interview Scott Bieser. He is the author of the libertarian comic series Quantum Vibe. He has created book covers, graphic novels and a ton of webtoons. And I had the opportunity to interview him.
3 Hidden Horror Stories of Star Trek
Many science fiction shows have horror stories hidden in the main storylines. I’ve written about these for Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5. Here are the biggest hidden horror stories in the Star Trek universe.
An Interview with Author Alaric Naudé
I first got to know Alaric Naudé well when we had a discussion regarding Sapir-Whorf theory, something I discussed in my article “Books You Didn’t Realize Represented the Sapir-Whorf Theory”. Alaric Naudé is an expert on Asian languages. He’s also the Head Professor of English Department at Suwon Science College in South Korea. I interviewed him after his first non-fiction book The Babylon Cypher: Why Everything Is Language and Language Is Everything came out.
An Interview with Science Fiction Author George Phillies
George Phillies is a science fiction author, science fiction fan and editor of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, also known as N3F.
An Interview with Fantasy Author Thom Dresser
Thom Dresser is the creator of the fantasy “Beggars Rest” series, starting with “The Heart of the Necromancer.” And I had the opportunity to interview him.