Author Archives
Roy Griffis

“Wayne” on YouTube Red: New Media and the Same Old Crap
The Tropes they are a-samin’
Finally had some time to get back on mission, here. I’d been working hard on the final volume of my By the Hands of Men series and a relaunch of the entire set of books, so stealing a few moments to wallow in cultural dupery was beyond me (why, no, I’m not pimping my own books here, oh no, I never).
When I had a chance to sit down and take the pulse of current culture dupery, as presented by those Delphic Oracles lurking in the mists of the Internet and Cable, I beheld unto myself a new series called “Wayne.”
3 Big Dumb Action Flicks For a Break From the Anti-Kavanaugh Circus
What the hell did I just watch?
Soon, the long national nightmare will be over. Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (his reputation forever tarnished by the craven cretins of the Democrat party), or he will not.
While I do believe the psycho-drama of the hearings (the psycho provided by the clearly disturbed Dr. Ford, the drama by Kavanagh who chose not to go quietly into that good night preordained for him by the Stalinist Socialists formerly known as the Democrat Party) is an important event, reflective of our culture and the war for America’s soul, I think we also need to step back and take a break.
I mean, with campaign slogans like “You have no presumption of innocence here” and the equally catchy “Accusations are all we need,” the Democrats will be coming for the thought-criminals soon enough.
Therefore, herewith, some dumb fun movies you might have missed (some with, alas, more dumb than fun).
‘Dear Leader was informed about the chaos in the United States…’
Pick up the First 3 Books in the thrilling Lonesome George Chronicles
Check out these three excerpts and buy the series at Amazon: The Big Bang: The Lonesome George Chronicles, Book 1, Bringing the Fire: The Lonesome George Chronicles, Book 2, and The Broken Return: The Lonesome George Chronicles, Book 3
Drive-bys from the Drive-In
Making some snap judgements so you don’t have to…
In this week’s Cultural Dispatches from the Alamo, Griff sets his sights on five recent releases…
Read The Beginning of The Broken Return, Book 3 in The Lonesome George Chronicles
Roy M. “Griff” Griffis continues to bring the action with his extraordinary alternate history series
Click here to purchase Griff’s post-apocalyptic thriller series The Lonesome George Chronicles.
The Paper of Record Just Recorded They’re All Right with Racism. Really
Or: “The black people were surprisingly good last night…”
One of my personal failings (well, the only one I feel like admitting) is I have a strong fairness impulse. It was the whole thing, judge people by the content of the character not the color of the skin. My father, who had grown up in the deep South, surrounded by virulent racism, introduced me to the concept, mostly by living it. It was what made me a nascent liberal as a young man.
That belief in fairness was the same thing that drove me away from Liberals. Growing up, my experiences with other kids growing up were a lot like the Woody Allen joke about going to youth camp “…where I was sadistically beaten by children of all colors and creeds.”
Those experiences made it clear to me that “jerk” was a choice limited to any race, sex, or religion. And thus I was rather heretical toward the idea that People of Color were really Saints of Color.
Deplora Boule brings the Savage, Swiftian Satire to the “News”
Narrating the Narrative
On one level, it’s the story of a fairly nice young girl, largely ignored by her mother and estranged from her father, who goes off to college, falls into the clutches of a cult, and proceeds to wreck her life, along with the lives of the few people who really cared for her.
On another level, it’s the bitterly funny story of the way the deeply-deluded and stultifyingly self-important people who should be “reporting” the news take it upon themselves to “make” the news. Or, as the title of the novel suggests, they craft “The Narrative.” Google Dan Rather and “JournoList” for some of the egregious examples that are known to the discerning citizens, to say nothing of the DNC email dump that revealed allegedly objective journalists coordinating and clearing their stories with the campaign of the presumptive next President of the Vagina States of America.
With such a wealth of deserving targets, in less-skilled (or courageous) hands such a novel might be a thunderingly dull polemic –– and Lord knows, there are enough of those around –– but this is both outrageous and wickedly funny. I say again, The Narrative is wickedly funny, teeing up the self-deceptions of the Woke Warriors of Journalism.
The Peasants Aren’t Just Revolting, They’re Getting Uppity, Too
I wish you’d stop being so good to me, boss
The King was playing cards one day when he heard a very loud commotion outside. He sent a noble to see what the problem was. The noble races back, “Sire, it’s terrible! The peasants are revolting.”
“Nonsense,” the King said, continuing to play cards. “The peasants have always been revolting. You mean they’re rebelling.”
America’s peasants are rebelling, and the nobility is not happy about it.
The Fable of Sarah and the Little Red Hen
Or Peddling Chickenshit and Claiming It’s Chicken Salad
Once upon a time a lady named Sarah wanted to go out to dinner. She decided to eat at the Little Red Hen’s restaurant. The Little Red Hen was staffed by the better, kinder, smarter sort of people who knew that Sarah was in league with Satan, and they told Sarah they didn’t want her to eat at their restaurant. Sarah quietly left.
The End
Faith In Our Fathers
The FBI and Journalists’ Collusion to Throw the Election Will Corrode America’s Soul
One of the best books you haven’t read is called Flags of our Fathers. Written by James Bradley, the son of Corpsman John Bradley, one of the six men who raised the flag on Iwo Jima, it is a gripping recounting of the little known fates and history of the men on Mount Suribachi in that most iconic of photographs.
As a boy, young James knew that his father was famous and respected in their little town for something, but since his father would neither talk about the mysterious event and even trained his children to deflect the telephone calls that continually came in asking for interviews, it was not until his father died that the boy learned his father was famous.