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There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

The next morning the sound of insects was replaced with the pleasant music of birds chirping happily in a nearby orchard, and Stoney arose in a better mood. Dressing in the clothes Merrybelle had laid out for him, he descended to the building’s first floor, only to discover that Stu had already risen. He wanted […]

There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

"Dad! So you’re finally home! I thought you weren’t going to make it for supper. . . ." The young woman stopped suddenly when she noticed that Stu was not alone. "Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you brought company home." "Merrybelle, this here’s Stoney Vander. Found him in the woods over in the hills […]

There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

"Good day to you, citizen," said Stoney, when the whir of the vehicle’s fans had subsided. "Hello yourself, stranger," replied the man. "My name is Stoney Vander, a resident of the town of Sunshine in Skyview Tower." "Thought you might be from the ‘plex," said the man. "Your clothes tell the whole story. But I […]

There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

The question brought Stoney up short. What did he want? "I … don’t know," he said, shaking his head. "But something is missing. I’m tired of living on the sunless side of Skyview Tower. I’m tired of cleaning window banks and human waste depositories. I know my contributions can be more substantial if only I […]

There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

“What do you mean, husband?” asked Vivy. “I have been promoted from first design team to junior planner,” announced Aris. “Oh, that’s wonderful!” beamed Vivy. “That is a position you have been aiming for since before we were wed. I still remember the day I arrived from Moonglow up above and moved into our first […]

There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

Stoney was jolted from his reverie by the blare of the shift klaxon sounding the end of the employment day. Relieved, he carefully replaced his work satchel in maintenance closet #224 and began activating the dust shields over the designers’ drawing boards. Finished with his rounds, he extinguished the lights and joined his co-workers as […]

There Are No Regrets in Skyview Towers

Stoney Vander sighed as he gazed out over the towers of the aging Municiplex. It was an unusually clear day and he was not only able to see the massive foundations on which Skyview Tower and its neighbors had been built almost three centuries ago, but far in the distance, a hint of the green […]

Better Than Fresh Apricots

"R is for redneck." –Ray Wylie Hubbard He rarely bothered about intruders anymore, there were so many of them these days. But what he saw that hot July afternoon made him pause. He peered cautiously through the thick cover of wild rose, waiting for a clearer view. Two slender figures were approaching, each with a […]

What Your Character’s Handgun Says About Them #1: An Introduction

If you write enough mysteries, thrillers, or horror novels, chances are one of your main characters is at some point going to have their fingers wrap around a handgun. Whenever this happens, it offers two main ways to give insight into your protagonist. <b>Two Quick Ways the Weapon Can Be Revealing</b> The first characterization opportunity […]

The Calm Before the Storm?

Last week it was the contrived and manufactured story about "OUTRAGE!" over a Coca-Cola commercial. I can’t even remember what it was the week before that. Seriously, this happens every Monday. The news outlets come out swinging for the fences, spinning the newest "controversy" and trying to win over the most viewers or readers, ironically […]