Author Archives
Michael Lind

POEM: Looking for the Republic
We’re proud to be featuring Michael Lind’s work at Liberty Island. This is the sixth of eight poems.
POEM: Twin Oaks
Editor’s note: We’re proud to be featuring Michael Lind’s work at Liberty Island. This is the fifth of eight poems.
Poem: What Summer Said
We’re proud to be featuring Michael Lind’s work at Liberty Island. This is the fourth of eight poems.
Poem: Song of the Diner Cashier
We’re proud to be featuring Michael Lind’s work at Liberty Island. This is the third of eight poems.
Funeral Women
As we noted last week, we’re proud to be featuring Michael Lind’s work at Liberty Island. This is the second of eight poems.
A New Poem: After Midnight
Poetry Editor’s note: Michael Lind, a premier public intellectual and academic, is also a stellar poet, so it goes without saying that we at Liberty Island are thrilled to begin featuring his work, starting today. A new poem of his will run each week.