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LI Novel ‘Red Line Blues’ Reviewed At American Spectator by Daniel J. Flynn

“Looking for Love in All the Wrong (Political) Places”

The author of such noteworthy books as A Conservative History of the American Left, Intellectual Morons, and his new title Cult City reviews one of Liberty Island’s literary novels:

Red Line Blues, the first novel by Scott Seward Smith, arrives more than six years after its Obama-Romney election backdrop. If its setting seems passé in the wake of the seismic presidential election in between then and now, its theme strikes as so very 2019.

Neither the decade nor the distance between the older Owen and twenty-something Audrey jeopardize their relationship. The political chasm does. Owen votes Republican; Audrey, Democrat. You can bridge a generation gap and wormhole the way to long-distance-relationship success. The notion that love can transcend political disagreements seems further fetched the further we find ourselves from James Carville and Mary Matalin’s wedding day.

Click here to continue reading at The American Spectator.

Read chapter 1 of Red Line Blues here.

LI Author Reading and Interview: Howard Butcher on 1400 KRLN AM Radio in Canon City, CO

Check out Jonah: A Novel of Men and the Sea

The author reads from his novel Jonah.

The Washington Times Reviews Scott Smith’s ‘Red Line Blues’

From a thoughtful review by Aram Bakshian Jr.:

Washington is not a town that lends itself to love stories. Scandals and divorces, yes. But romances? Forget about it, particularly in the case of driven young singles pursuing careers in politics, lobbying and public policy. There’s no shortage of lust in the nation’s capital, as even a cursory glance at the daily papers reveals; there just isn’t a whole lot of love out there. This is especially true of love affairs across party lines. In the over-the-top era of zealous Trumpophiles and paranoid Trumpophobes, left is left, right is right, and ne’er the twain shall meet. But it didn’t all start in 2016 with The Donald and Hillary Dearest.


At PJ Media: Liberal Mob Targets Novel By Trump Administration Official for Honest Portrayal of Abortion

An article published yesterday at PJ Media reveals the campaign against one of Liberty Island’s novels.

Goliath vs. David

The Estate of Prominent Progressive Harlan Ellison Threatens Legal Action to Squelch Conservative-Libertarian Response to Ellison’s 1967 Taboo-Smashing Anthology DANGEROUS VISIONS

Due to threat of legal action by the Harlan Ellison Estate, award-winning science fiction and horror writer Andrew Fox changed the title of his projected anthology of original science fiction stories addressing today’s taboos from THE NEW DANGEROUS VISIONS to HAZARDOUS IMAGININGS: THE MONDO BOOK OF POLITICALLY INCORRECT SCIENCE FICTION.

Four weeks prior to his launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise $7,000 to buy original stories, Fox contacted the Ellison Estate to seek their input on his projected anthology and reference to the title of Harlan Ellison’s seminal 1967 anthology.  After responding immediately to Fox’s initial message, the Estate did not reply to a more detailed description by Fox of his intended project.  Fox was aware that titles do not fall under copyright law, but he wanted to be considerate of Susan Ellison’s, Harlan Ellison’s widow’s, feelings in the matter and also learn whether the title “Dangerous Visions” had been trademarked.

Not hearing any objections from the Estate, Fox launched his Kickstarter campaign on May 16, 2019.  On May 17, 2019, a representative of The Kilimanjaro Corporation, an arm of the Ellison Estate, contacted Fox and threatened to pursue legal action should Fox persist in using either of the Corporation’s trademarks, “Dangerous Visions” or “Harlan Ellison,” in the Kickstarter campaign.

Madison Magazine Writes About Mike Baron and Bad Road Rising

Madison Magazine writes: Madison native Mike Baron, best known for writing the “Badger”and “Nexus” comic books starting in the 1980s, has more recently been churning out novels. And like “Badger” before it, the “Bad Road Rising” series — starring Josh Pratt, a born-again, ex-con/private investigator — is largely set in Madison.

Howard Butcher at National Review: Homer Meets Generation Z

The author of Jonah: A Novel of Men and the Sea reveals his literary insights from his teaching experience

Is technology killing students’ ability to read classical literature?

Pulp Fiction Reviews on Mike Baron’s Disco: ‘a New Side to His Fabulous Imagination’

A generous review from Ron Fortier on one of Liberty Island’s new novels.

Rough Edges Reviews The Odds Are Against Us

James Reasoner at Rough Edges: “I backed the Kickstarter for this anthology, and now that it’s been published and I’ve read it, I’m glad I did. It’s an excellent collection of military fiction, some with contemporary settings, some historical. I’ve always liked war stories, and these are very well done.” Read the rest.

Click here to purchase The Odds Are Against Us: An Anthology of Military Fiction

Check Out Cinder Q, the New Literary Quarterly from Taliesin Nexus

Visit www.CinderQ.com for a host of fiction and non-fiction gems.

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