Enjoy this exclusive excerpt of chapter 54 from The Art of Looking for Trouble and please order it today.


Two Lines?

Roxanne and Kate stopped for coffee after their day at the spa. They were in no hurry to get back home. Many of the streets in Liberty Hill were blocked off as the crowds overwhelmed the neighborhood for St. Patrick’s Day.

“So how long have you been feeling sick?” Kate asked once they got their drinks and sat down.

“About a week, just feeling tired and a little sick to my stomach. A lot of the customers have been sick, it’s the change in the weather,” Roxanne replied, stirring in more sugar after her first sip.

“How is business at the salon?”

“It’s been great, I never dreamed of owning my own place, but Seamus and Mike helped me make it happen. I’m having the time of my life.”

“That’s because you’re a newlywed. How is married life anyway? I never thought I would see Seamus Corrigan walk down the aisle, but he looks like a kid in love.”

“He’s acting like it too,” Roxanne admitted. “He’s been very, um, frisky, since the wedding, not that I’m complaining.”

Kate laughed, “What are you feeding him? So I can make sure Vince doesn’t eat the same thing.”

Roxanne laughed, “How long have you been married, Kate?”

“We got married thirty years ago this July. We were so young, but we made it through. Three kids, all out of the house thank goodness. Now I’m waiting for a house full of grandkids, although I don’t feel old enough to be a grandmother.

“Well, my one kid has finally come around. I thought Pete would never forgive me for running away to Florida, but he seems to be having a good time kidding Seamus about being his stepfather. He’s also writing and calling Seamus’ niece in Ireland. I’m almost afraid he’s going to jump on a plane and go over there. And Angela is so sweet and so pretty, it’s only a matter of time for her.”

Roxanne took another sip and grabbed a couple more packets of sugar and emptied them into her cup.

“I haven’t had a sweet tooth like this since I was…”

Roxanne stopped stirring her cup and looked at Kate, her eyes were wide and unblinking.

“What’s wrong?” Kate asked.

“Since I was pregnant with Angela.”

“No,” Kate said trying to hold in a laugh. “You think?”

“It wasn’t something I was worried about at my age, but again Seamus and I haven’t been particularly careful either…”

“Oh my goodness, drink that and get another cup. I’m going to run across the street to Walgreens. I’ll be right back.”

Kate grabbed her coat and went over to the drugstore while Roxanne drank her coffee and then went and got a refill. When Kate got back, they went into the ladies’ room. Kate handed her the pregnancy test. Roxanne stood there staring at the white plastic stick.

“You can’t take the test telepathically, you have to pee on it!” Kate laughed.

“I know, I know. I’m just scared and I don’t know if I want to find out. What will I tell Seamus?”

“You’ll say ‘congratulations, Dad, surprise!’ Just like I did with Vince when I found out I was pregnant with Dominic.”

“Okay, I think I’m ready, here I go,” Roxanne said without moving.

“You’ll find out eventually. It might as well be now.” Kate said, grabbing Roxanne by the shoulders and turning her toward the stall.

“Okay, here I go,” Roxanne said without much confidence. She took a deep breath and walked into the stall and closed the door.

“Everything good in there?” Kate asked after a few minutes of not hearing anything.

“I’m almost there,” Roxanne said with a waver in her voice.

Kate turned on all the faucets and started singing ‘Don’t Start Chasing Waterfalls.’ By the time she reached the chorus she heard the toilet flush. Roxanne came out of the stall holding the test at arm’s length like it was an explosive device.

“How long until we know?” Roxanne asked.

Kate grabbed the box and read the back.

“Three minutes,” she said after finding the instructions.

A woman about their age walked into the bathroom and saw the pair staring at the pregnancy test.

“Better you than me,” she said as she went into the stall.

“It’s turning color!” Roxanne screamed.

“Okay!” Kate screamed back, “One line is not pregnant, two lines is pregnant, what is it?”

“I can’t tell, yet, oh my God it’s, it’s…”

“What?” Kate shouted bouncing up and down.

“What is it?” came from the stall.

“It’s two lines, what is that again?”

“Pregnant!” Kate and the lady in the stall said in unison.


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