For the critical (that is, decidedly left-leaning, casually anti-American and mostly anti-military) class, this film has it all wrong. There’s nary a racist soldier to be seen, no atrocities are committed by murderous, jingoistic American GIs, and as far as we can tell, no tortured souls were drafted into this war to sigh and utter Kremlin-approved exposition about the workingman dying for oil or just because it’s fun to kill non-white folks.

I know a lot of conservatives (myself included) had some hesitation about this film.  I mean, we’ve got Clooney (Conservatives are Scum) and Damon (Sarah Palin is Stooopid), together again – admittedly, not quite as funny as Hope and Crosby, but in these troubled times, we take what we can get.

And what we got was an amusing, touching, exciting, nay, even patriotic film showing America (admitted under the guidance of a Saintly Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt) doing the right damn thing. It was men on a mission to protect people and their cultures from a force that was determined to possess them, and, failing that, to destroy the culture. Destroy their story, as it were (suddenly, I begin to understand why I liked this movie so much).

Remarkably free of cheap shots at conservatives or Republicans, director Clooney shared the screen with leading men like Matt Damon and a crew of very personable supporting character actors, including Bill Murray and John Goodman. It was Americans fighting real Nazis, as compared to the ones that only exist in the infantile imagination of Antifa and the minds of the more slavishly loyal Pravda press.

Give it a look. You won’t be disappointed.