Homepage: This is the home of Liberty Island Magazine, where
you can read featured short stories and critical reviews as well as see some of
the best of what we find from around the web and other regions of the Liberty
Island ecosystem. It’s divided into three major sections: Top of the Page
(Featured Stories, Island Feed, and Captain’s Blog); Newly Published (most
recent short fiction and other works); and Liberty Island TV (video, podcasts
and other cool multimedia).

Want to learn more about a story or feature? Just click the
icon in the lower right hand corner of the story tile. Want to see all stories in a particular genre?
Click on a genre header or search our archive (see below).  

Open Range: As the name implies, this is the Wild West of
Liberty Island, where anyone who wants to can publish their work. Here you’ll
find stories by both new and established writers ranging from best-selling authors to your kid’s English
teacher. You’ll discover works in progress and excerpts from already-published
novels. Read, rate, comment … and click through to learn more about the writer
or buy their books at Amazon. The stuff that’s rated highest here gets voted up
to the Liberty Island homepage.

Captain’s Blog: The place where Liberty Island staff post news
and links to cool stuff on and off the site.

Island Feed: New posts on Open Range, Captain’s Blog and other
content sources on the site appear in the Feed, which updates regularly.

Watch This Space: Liberty Island is a work in progress and
many parts of the site are still in development. Click here for the latest on
what we have planned.

Liberty Island TV: This is where we post links to videos
we’ve either produced ourselves or found around the web. Feel free to send us
links to stuff you think we’d like.

Support Liberty Island: We welcome your support! Donations to our Tip Jar help to ensure that the Liberty Island crew is here to carry on the fight.

Explore:  Here’s a
complete archive of all the fiction published in Liberty Island Magazine.
Completely sortable and searchable … look for your favorite author, a
particular genre, what’s highly rated by our readers, or the latest work
published on the site.

Forums:  Our user forums
cover every story, every author, and every genre on Liberty Island. Join the
conversation — or start your own.

Blogs: Our Creators aren’t just talented writers,
illustrators, or videographers. They also have opinions. A LOT of opinions.
Click here to read their latest.

Reviews: People are reading and commenting on stories all
over the site.  Click here for a helpful
compilation of the latest reader reviews. In time, we’ll add a section where readers
can review and recommend books that reflect the tastes and values of the
Liberty Island community.

Creator Pages: Liberty Island’s creators are an invited
community of writers, artists, musicians, and videographers. Visit their
Creator pages to discuss their works, send them messages through the site, read
exclusive content just for their fans, and more. Want to become a Liberty
Island creator? Write to us here.

Join: Membership in Liberty Island is free, and offers tons
of benefits – including the ability to rate and review stories; post in our
forums; download stories to your computer, tablet, or e-reader; send messages
to Creators; and get notifications when your favorite authors have posted new work.

Submit: Are you an aspiring author or other creator? We want
to see your stuff! Click here to view our submission guidelines.

Tip Jar: Throughout the site, you’ll see links to Tip Jars.
These are important! Our authors are not paid by Liberty Island; instead, they
count on the support of people like you who appreciate their efforts and want
to help them continue their good work. When you read a story you like, it’s
recommended that you drop a buck or two into the Creator’s Tip Jar. It only
takes a minute, uses your existing PayPal account, and helps to promote the rising

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