Author Archives
Michael Finch

America Vanquished
A New Poem
In 2021 Liberty Island is going to start publishing poetry more regularly. Interested in participating? Click here to contact us.
Easter Thoughts and of Freedom Dying
A Resurrection Reflection on a Nation Divided
It is Easter weekend and my mind wanders, my thoughts are sad and full of fear for what is overtaking us. Yes, His rising fills me with great wonder, gives me reassurance as to what lies ahead. But in this world, the Left marches, ever marches on, every day freedom erodes, the insidious march and relentless, doggedness of their pursuit to destroy America’s liberty, to bind us, reeducate us, to mold a new man in a Utopian vision. For they are God, they are creating a heaven on earth and we are nothing, worse than nothing, an obstacle in their long progressive drive. We stand in their way, they of the angels, we block them; therefore we must be destroyed.