Author Archives
David M. Swindle

An Art Exhibit: Welcome to Atlantica
Check out some of the photos and videos from my better half’s solo art exhibition, now up at Fullerton College in Fullerton, CA.
Taking Ramy Youssef to Task for His Depressing Hulu Sitcom
Most of my writing these days focuses on Islamist groups in Southern California and the country at large, however sometimes it intersects with popular culture, as it does with my newest piece, published yesterday at PJ Media, Golden Globe-Winner Ramy Youssef’s Muslim Family Sitcom More Tragedy than Comedy…
Check Out This Interview with Liberty Island All-Star Tamara Wilhite
Tamara has been Liberty Island’s most prolific contributor this year with compelling book reviews, pop culture analysis, and especially her author interviews. To learn more about her check out this interview with her at Stanley Wheeler’s blog.
Dave Chappelle’s All-American Anti-PC Heresies Vs. Ramy Youssef’s Woke-Intersectional-Islamist Cousin-Loving
Check out my new article on Islamist entertainment at The Daily Wire
I had a new article published yesterday at The Daily Wire. I compare and contrast the comedy specials of two American Muslims, and Ramy Youssef, coming down very hard against the latter:
Among the fascinating phenomena of America’s most prominent Muslim activist organizations is how they decide which Muslims to lift up and which to ignore. Compare two recent comedy specials. One, Dave Chappelle’s newest Netflix special “Sticks & Stones,” which is generating intense reactions given its choice of material — including abortion, #MeToo, Transgenderism, “the alphabet people” (referring to the expanding acronym LGBTQIA+), and the implications of the “cancel culture,” which seeks to silence all who do not adhere to the “woke” doctrines of political correctness.
Thinking about this hilariously offensive special brought to mind another recent comedy special that challenged different cultural taboos: Millennial Ramy Youssef’s “Feelings,” released on HBO on June 29.
Pulling Your Cosmic Trigger: Why July 23 Is Robert Anton Wilson Day
An Overview of the Unique Sci-Fi Novelist and Occult Explorer Who Made Contact With *Something* Today in 1973
If I had to pick a single author who has influenced me more than any other it would be the counterculture godfather Robert Anton Wilson whose books, speeches, and ideas have influenced generations of oddball individualists since the 1970s.
Why ‘Stranger Things’ Is So Wonderful
The third season of Netflix’s 80s nostalgia fest delivers again with an emotionally-gripping entertainment that harkens back to a less cynical age.
UPDATED: Ranking My 10 Favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe Films
And sorting out the others. Disagree with my choices?
With the fourth Avengers movie debuting this weekend, the closing chapter of a 22-film series, I decided to start a discussion over which installments in the series have been the best, which are weaker, and why.
The Bizarre Journey of the Mansion Which Inspired the Opening of The Big Sleep
Raymond Chandler’s debut masterpiece drew on his knowledge of Southern California
One of the opening revelations in the new annotated version of The Big Sleep is a head-twister.
Why I Still Hate Game of Thrones But Love Rick And Morty
So tonight is finally the beginning of the end for one of the most overrated TV shows of all time.