Stage Right Theatrics, the country’s only conservative theatre company, is staging the Ohio premiere of Phelim McAleer’s controversial play Ferguson: Truth Matters. The production runs from July 13-15 at the Shedd Theatre in Columbus, Ohio.

Ferguson: Truth Matters dramatizes the actual grand jury testimony from the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014. All dialogue in the play is taken verbatim from the grand jury testimony of November 2014 and presents exactly what the grand jury heard, leading to the decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown.

The play was originally performed by Theatre Verite Collective. The first performance was at the 30th Street Theatre, New York City, on October 19th, 2017, and was directed by Jerry Dixon and produced by Theatre Planners.

We are seeking donations to help defray the cost of bringing this important play to the stage.  A GoFundMe campaign has been started for this production of Ferguson: Any amount helps!

Stage Right Theatrics is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization so all donations are tax-deductible.  Our motto is “Disagreement Does Not Equal Hate®.”

Contact Stage Right’s founder and president, Robert Cooperman, at or, with any questions.