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Pat Gillis Mount Albert, ON Canada - website:
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Patricia Gillis lives in a small town north of Toronto with 30 horses, 2 cats and a 'chase anything that moves' dog named Bandit. These companions provide daily reminders of the way universal truths always seem to prevail.
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My interest professionally has always been horses, training them and those who ride them. I currently have 30. Horses are what they are and there is a refreshing honesty in the way they interact with each other and with us. I've written all my life but mostly about horse related things for people who shared my interest and were fellow travellers, so to speak.
September 11th changed that for me and over time, unconsciously, my writing changed too.
Andrew Breitbart gave me the courage to share my thoughts, based on the perhaps one in a million chance that they might resonate with some of my new fellow travellers. And so that is what I have been doing. I have one novel published on Amazon (Taking it Back: A Path to Freedom) with hopefully more to come for Liberty Island. Thank you for your interest.
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