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Individual Blog Post From Erich ForschlerAllCreatorsSiteStaff
Erich Forschler is an Iraq War veteran and author of Weight of an Empire, a novel about three Iraq War vets in Georgia.
Thursday, March 27th 2014
North Koreans celebrate their individualism in ten different (and oh, so sexy!) ways.
Posted Thu Mar 27 2014 09:00
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The recent news coming out of North Korea is that men have to cut their hair like Dear Leader. Or something like that. I think it might be a rumor, but it still inspired some really exhaustive research (typing into search engines) on my part. I found this:

Men apparently have ten options for hairstyles. Women get a few more.

Making decisions about your hair is hard. It makes sense to free the people from their personal dilemmas by nudging them into ten-option corners. But ten is probably too many. The options are all so cool!

I think U.S. military members have more options than North Koreans when it comes to hairstyles.

What's the North Korean policy on tattoos? Limit one portrait of Dear Leader per body?